How to use FTP | Uploading over 100mb

Loading over 100MB of files to our server 



LInk to filezilla


1.  Download Filezilla Client 


2. Select your system your using ( I'm using a mac however if our using Windows our should say windows select your version)

 3. Save and install place a short cut on your desktop where you know where it is. 

4. Open FileZilla 

You only have to do this one time  unless you  change your password

5. Click on File and press Site Manager


6.Click New site 


7. Name the new site whatever your station name

8. Let's configure the FTP ( File Transfer Protocol)

9. Press  Enter The Information as follows on The right hand side 

Host name if our on S2 (all new clients are on S2) =

if you are on s2 host name=

Port is 2121

Username = Same you use to log in centova

Pasword= same you use to log in  centova 

10. *** Do this so you wont get kicked out of system***  Click on Transfer Tab 

  • Click  The Transfer Tab on top 
  • Enter Information below 

Now Press Connect

On The Right-hand side you should see Folder that says MEDIA 

Double Click on Media File, This is where all your files are stored  I have two things on this server being it is a test server

Now on the bottom, this is where you drag and drop a file 

Now Drag and drop your file  in the bottom white space

right click were it says FTP and press process QUEUE you can upload multiple files at one

Now Its going to let you know how long its going to take you can leave these speeds will depend on our internet connection 

This is a 2-hour show it is only taking 21sec to load up Everybody timing will vary based off your internet speed in this example I have a Fiber Internet so we have very fast upload speed. 

Now This has loaded it is in your file now you can log in and program as usual

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